Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Prevent Employment Discrimination and Lawsuits

Prevent Employment Discrimination and LawsuitsPrevent Employment Discrimination and LawsuitsIn employment discrimination lawsuits, the business always loses. Consequently, creating a work culture and environment for employees that encourages diversity and discourages employment discrimination in any form is critical for your success. Employers need to adopt several serious guidelines for the prevention of discrimination in the workplace. Dont wait until you are the target of a lawsuit before you follow a few simple steps that could have prevented years of pain. Employment Discrimination Lawsuits Rising Lets start by looking at the scope of the problem in employment discrimination lawsuits. U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) statistics reveal that the highest number of employment discrimination charges in its 45-year history were filed in the fiscal year ending on monat des herbstbeginns 30, 2010. The EEOCs statistics about employment discrimination continue to de monstrate a three-year trend of increased charge filing and litigation. Driven by the dismal economy, a bigger EEOC enforcement budget, and employee-friendly revisions to EEO laws, the employment discrimination lawsuit trend is expected to continue. Key findings in the employment discrimination statistics reveal that in 2010 Retaliation discrimination is the most frequently cited form of employment discrimination (36,258 charges). Historically, retaliation complaints filed with the EEOC increased 44%, from 22,690 charges in 2003 to 32,690 in 2008.Retaliation is followed closely by race discrimination (35,890 charges).Employment discrimination hit new records for sex, national origin, religion, and disability discrimination charges.Employment disability discrimination charges increased nearly 20%, due in part, to the 2008 Americans with Disabilities Act Amendments Act (ADAAA). The EEOC handled its first employment discrimination charges brought under the Genetic Information Nondiscri mination Act (GINA).The EEOC received almost 31,000 charges alleging unlawful harassment 11,717 were sexual harassment charges. The majority of harassment charges alleged some form of harassment, other than sexual harassment, such as race, national origin, or religious harassment. The EEOC also reported that it secured more than $404 million in monetary benefits for individuals - the highest level of relief obtained through administrative enforcement in the Commissions history, according to Shanti Atkins, Esq., President and CEO of ELT, Inc., a company that specializes in ethics and compliance training. Rising Costs of EEOC Suits Expensive for Employers From an employers perspective, settlement costs to resolve an EEOC claim fade in the face of plus-rechnenal, often unrecorded, costs to the employers organization. Atkins says that ansicht include the costs of the distraction of an organizations staff for months as documents are gathered and prepared, an internal investigation is conducted, and time is invested in fighting the claim,the loss of employee morale while under the constant pressure of a lawsuit,the potential loss of an employers reputation as an employer of choice for recruiting and retaining desirable employees, whether found guilty or innocent, andattorneys fees which can cost as much or more than an eventual settlement, if the employer is found guilty. In addition to these hard-to-quantify costs, Atkins says that the average single claimant lawsuit results in defense costs of $250,000 and a jury verdict of $200,000. Other sources place the average verdict awards even higher, at nearly $900,000 in 2007, with the average settlement nearly $550,000. In any case, jury awards are expensive for employers. Class action lawsuits, which are also increasing, generally result in lower per claimant awards but can cost an employer millions of dollars in cash and untold millions in the above employee costs listed. While the potential costs of employment d iscrimination lawsuits are high, on the plus side, employers have some recourse. According to Gail Zoppo, at, employees who feel they are experiencing employment discrimination should first complain to their employer. This gives the employer the opportunity to investigate the alleged employment discrimination and provide recourse through their normal complaint resolution process. Employees who do not believe that their complaint welches adequately addressed by their employer, and in situations where the harassment or discrimination behavior continues, may file a claim with the EEOC. Zoppo, in consultation with employment-relations attorney Bob Gregg, a partner at Boardman Law Firm., says that of the 95,402 charges that were filed with the EEOC last year, the EEOC only filed 325 lawsuits. So, even if the EEOC issues a right to sue, to an employee, the individual may have to invest significant resources in legal counsel. Otherwise, one can hope that common sense might indicate that an attorney, whose services are often paid for by an employers settlement costs or a portion of a jury award, would take on cases that demonstrated some merit. What Employers Can Do to Prevent Employment Discrimination Employers who put strong measures in place to prevent and address employment discrimination, harassment, and retaliation may avoid EEOC charges and lawsuits. Further, their employment discrimination policies, preventions, and practices can work in their favor in an employment discrimination lawsuit. If the employer can demonstrate the following preventative actions, the employer may escape significant damages. Employers are advised to prevent employment discrimination and create a workplace culture that discourages employment discrimination, harassment, and retaliation, with these actions. Implement and integrate a strict policy that makes employment discrimination of any type unacceptable in your workplace. The policy needs to titelblatt employment discrimination, harassment, and retaliation. The policy should include a process for reporting any incidents of employment discrimination, harassment or retaliation to the company. Preferably employees are given several methods for reporting incidents in case their supervisor is involved in the employment discrimination matter.The employment discrimination policy should also communicate how an employee complaint will be handled with an outline of steps. The employment discrimination policy should spell out disciplinary action that will be taken with offenders.The employment discrimination policy should also discuss the nature of retaliation and stress that retaliation is also a form of discrimination. Finally, the employment discrimination policy should contain an appeal process for employees who are dissatisfied with the outcome of their complaint. Train your managers in the implementation of the anti-discrimination policy with the expectation that prevention is their responsibili ty. A managers role is to create a work environment and culture in which employment discrimination, harassment, and retaliation do not occur.Managers must recognize signs and symptoms that discrimination, harassment, or retaliation is occurring and know how to address these illegal actions.Managers must thoroughly understand the companys policy and know how to recognize work situations that might escalate into employment discrimination, harassment or retaliation situations. Atkins says the training must address all forms of employment discrimination and harassment in a unified manner rather than addressing each as a silo. Employment discrimination, harassment, retaliation, bullying, anger, and potential violence should all be addressed together as unacceptable in your workplace.Effective training must teach that all of these concepts and behaviors integrate, intersect, and are woven together to create a supportive, nondiscriminatory, employee-friendly work environment. Mandatory emp loyee training should address many of the same issues as the managers training relative to employment discrimination. Cost-effective online training solutions are available for portions of this employee training. All employees must sign off on a training record to indicate that they are aware of and understand the employers policy and complaint process.Establish cultural expectations and norms. Creating a work environment that is free of employment discrimination, and all forms of harassment and retaliation should be integral in employee job descriptions, the goals in the performance development planning process, and in employee review and evaluation.Respond to an employee complaint about employment discrimination, harassment, or retaliation in a timely, professional, confidential, policy-adhering manner. Address the employee complaint through to appeal, when necessary. As with any employment situation that could result in litigation, document all aspects of policy training, compla int investigation, hiring and promotion practices, management development, employee preventative training. Your good faith efforts to prevent employment discrimination, harassment and retaliation may serve you well increasingly important in the litigious future.

Friday, November 22, 2019

This is the fastest-growing $100K+ job in the country

This is the fastest-growing $100K+ job in the countryThis is the fastest-growing $100K+ job in the countryGlassdoor released the September version of its Local Pay Reports today, showing that within the nearly 85 jobs the site tracks monthly,Solutions Architect had the highest year-over-year U.S. zentralwert base pay growth among the highest paying positions.While Software Engineer and Professor werent far behind, the Solutions Architect position has a hefty median base pay of $102,184, up 3.7% from a year ago.Dr. Andrew Chamberlain, chief economist of Glassdoor, commented on the findings in a statement.The reports show that more sophisticated technology jobs like solutions architects and web designers are increasingly in demand because their cocktail of hard and soft skills allow them to navigate todays fast-changing tech landscape. As the need for single-skilled developers like java developers and web developers has waned, so has wage growth for those positions, he said.The respons ibilities of the position might seem unclear from the solutions architect title alone, soheres what you should know about what it takes to do the job.Wait, what is a solutions architect?Mondo, an IT, tech, and digital marketing staffing agency, describes a solutions architect as someone who should be hired when a company needs to sort though and enhance the overall computer systems architecture of a company, who can can pick out and link all pieces of its computer network and recommend solutions to help it run more smoothly. They reportedly can also help with storage and compliance problems.But this firsthand account from a former solutions architect makes the job seem a little more wide-ranging, even though this is only one isolated example.Daniel OLeary, former Solutions Architect for cloud storage company Box,told TechCrunch what a typical meeting or day looks like for him in a 2014 Inside Jobs video interview.I might be functioning as a therapist- just helping people talk, and actually, for the first time in maybe a very long time, sharing why things are important to them. I might be actually documenting a process that has never been analyzed, and understanding what that means. And then very frequently, its digging into your existing enterprise technology stack, your other cloud services, and from a governing standpoint, figuring out where Box fits in. And in any given meeting, it is a mix of all three of those, he said.OLearyreportedly also has conversations with clients about their experience with Box and comes up with personalized solutions for issues theyve run into.Other high-paying jobs with the most wage growth since last yearGlassdoors list of the highest-paying jobs in the September Local Pay Reports also featured Professor and Software Engineer, among others. The former has a median base pay of $87,244, up 2.6% since last September. The latter has a median base pay of $85,806, up 2.7% since last September.Glassdoor reported that positions with t he most wage growth arent always the ones with the highest earning potential.Taking a look at the bigger picture overall, the report also showed that median base pay creeped up 1.8% from one year ago to $51,491 yearly, based on salaries on the site.That isnt a drastic change.But Glassdoor continues, saying that although 1.8% in salary growth beats the revised 1.6 percent pace last month, its far below the 3.5% in January 2017. Based on todays pace, Glassdoor says, it will take America roughly 40 years to ersatzdarsteller the nations median base pay.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Improve Your Job Application ROI

Improve Your Job Application ROIImprove Your Job Application ROIBefore you hit the apply button, make sure the application is worth your time.As a career coach I often talk to job landseekers who are frustrated over the lack of response from employers.This phenomenon is commonly referred to as the Black Hole, and leaves most job seekers discouraged with no updates on their applications status and no feedback to help improve their future applications.While you cant control the recruiters actions, there are things you can do to combat the Black Hole and improve your applications return-on-investment.Take more timeA recent eye-tracking study conducted by Ladders found that the average job seeker only spends about a minute reviewing a job description before deciding if its worth an application. Lets face it applying to jobs can be a very tedious and time-consuming process, especially when each application is properly tailored. With that in mind, I encourage you to take a few extra minut es before you apply to carefully read the job description and assess the applications potential ROI.Consider the locationAre you within commutable distance of this opportunity? Or if youre in sales, do you have an established book of business in this area? If the lage requires relocation, let employers know in your cover letter that theres a good reason for the move. In other words, make it clear you didnt make this decision on a whim and that youre not an expensive flight risk.Focus on responsibilities requirementsRead the responsibilities and requirements sections of the job description carefully what skill sets, education level and years of experience do they require? While the employer probably doesnt expect you to have every single qualification, they do expect you to meet all the core must-have requirements. Only apply to jobs where you possess these must-haves. Remember, job titles often carry different meanings depending on the organization and its industry, so the respons ibilities and requirements are a better indication of the level of the role (and its budgeted salary).Identify the industryHave you worked in the same or a very similar industry within the past 3-6 years? Not every position requires industry-specific experience however, possessing this background is often more attractive to employers. If you dont have relevant industry experience, be ready to highlight your transferable skills in your resume and cover letter. If youre looking for a change, research your former colleagues to see where else their experience was accepted.Tailor your applicationsEdit your resume and cover letter so that your job goals and qualifications are obvious. Incorporate key terms from your targeted jobs requirements into your resume to make it past the electronic gatekeeper. Test your applications readability by handing it over to a friend with a copy of the job description. If your friend has trouble identifying your qualifications, then you know its not clear enough. If you need help, seek out a resume expert.Check your networkMap out your personal and professional network so you can easily research connections between your contacts. Before you apply to a job, check to see if you know anyone who currently works at the company and seek their endorsement. Studies have shown you are ten times more likely to land an interview when your application is accompanied by an employee referral.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

How Productive People Get More Done - The Muse

How Productive People Get More Done - The Muse How Productive People Get More Done “You have the same number of hours in the day as Beyoncé.” Everyone knows someone who works full time, volunteers, runs a successful blog, and somehow still finds time to go grocery shopping, cook organic Instagram-worthy meals, foster a loving relationship, walk his or her adorable Boston Terrier, and, oh- train for a half marathon. These kinds of “super-achievers” have the same number of hours in the day as the rest of us, but somehow, they always seem to get more done. How do they do it? As a psychologist and life coach who has spent thousands of hours working with clients over the past 28 years- including hundreds of hours with clients who meet this super-achiever character profile- here’s what I’ve noticed about people who consistently succeed. Plus: How you can tweak your mindset to become a high achiever, too. Fully Commit Whatever you’re doing right now? Be fully in it. Commit. When you see an Olympic hurdler leaping over barricades with superhuman agility, does she look distracted? Nope. She is 100% invested in the task at hand. And as you can see from her success, commitment leads to greatness. So what do you do when you feel your mind wandering away from the present moment? Josh Pais, creator of Committed Impulse, high-performance training for actors, public speakers, and entrepreneurs, recommends saying “I’m back!” out loud whenever you feel yourself drifting away. You might get a few odd looks from bystanders, but it works! Avoid Multitasking Your email inbox, Instagram, Facebook, that hilarious viral cat video, and an ad proclaiming a big sale at your favorite website- these are probably just a few of the tabs you have open, commanding your attention while you simultaneously try to finish a project a work. It’s not out of the ordinary; multitasking has become the norm. But the human mind is not designed for multitasking. In fact, research has proven that we’re pretty terrible at it. When you try to multitask, you lose focus, you’re more likely to make errors, and projects tend to take longer. To make sure you can focus completely, strive to shut off all distractions- even if that means locking your cell phone in a drawer while you work. Extreme? Maybe. But it’s worth a try! Ban “Friendly Interruptions” at All Costs You’re working on a project. You’re totally in the zone, making lightning-speed progress. Then, a co-worker swings by. “Just wanted your two cents on this,” he says, handing you a report outline. You look it over and give him your thoughts. It doesn’t take more than 60 seconds for you to chime in. No biggie, right? Unfortunately, that minor interruption just majorly derailed your focus. It will take an average of 23 minutes for you to get back into the zone of whatever you were doing. Super-achievers know that interruptions are productivity-killers, so they avoid them at all costs. (There’s a reason why most CEOs have private offices- with doors!) If you don’t have a door to close, try finding a quiet space where you won’t be nudged, turn off your incoming email notifications for a few hours, or talk to your boss about instituting company-wide “do not disturb” hours a few times a week. Hang With Fellow Super-Achievers You’ve probably heard the expression, “If you are the smartest person in the room, then you are in the wrong room.” Same goes for achievement and productivity. There’s a reason why Beyoncé rolls with people like Oprah, the Obamas, and her mogul husband, Jay-Z. When you surround yourself with high-energy, like-minded people, you tend to rise to their level- while inspiring them, too. Try to weed your professional life of people, colleagues, and even friends who don't energize you. This doesn’t mean you should never see these people again or that you have to coldly cut them out of your life completely. But be mindful about who you choose to spend the majority of your time with. Try to surround yourself with super-achievers as often as possible. Don’t know where to meet them? Join a challenging club or group (10K training, anyone?), or write an email to someone you admire. Or maybe there’s someone you already know in real life, but have been too shy to talk to. Drop him or her a note to say, “I’d love to treat you to lunch at your favorite spot.” You never know where one simple invitation may lead. Prevent Emotions From Building When you allow negative emotions- like frustration, anger, disappointment, or self-loathing- to build up inside of you like water about to boil in a tea kettle, you can easily head down a destructive path. Sooner or later, all those bottled-up feelings are going to compel you to act out- whether that means binge-eating potato chips at midnight, watching 14 hours straight of Gilmore Girls instead of dealing with urgent deadlines, or engaging in some other behavior that leaves you feeling more frustrated (not to mention tired, hungover, or nauseous) than ever. Which is not great for productivity. Super-achievers know how to manage their emotions effectively to prevent the tea-kettle effect. Most super-achievers I know have some kind of emotion-management practice that they rely on: meditating, journaling, a weekly check-in with a life coach, or a good old-fashioned punching-bag session at the gym. Find a strategy that works for you. You’ll know it’s working when you feel a deep sense of release and relief- as if a ton of bricks have been lifted from your shoulders, leaving you feeling light, unburdened, no longer upset, and ready to get back to being awesome! Last, but not least, remember that those incredible super-achievers you admire- and aspire to be like- are just ordinary people with flaws and fears, too. As Beyoncé herself once said, “I know I’m stronger in the songs than I really am.” We’re all just human beings trying to work, live, and navigate the world using all the tools and skills we have. Rather than aiming for flawless perfection, aim for your personal best- and you’ll always be a success. Photo of ticking clock courtesy of Shutterstock.

Monday, November 18, 2019

10 Buzzwords You Should Stop Using on Your Resume

10 Buzzwords You Should Stop Using on Your Resume 10 Buzzwords You Should Stop Using on Your Resume Many words that were once widely popular in the employment jargon are slowly getting a bit old. They just got overused by both employers and job seekers. Companies often get resumes with statements such as: “I’m a self-motivated team player with a can-do attitude and ability to think outside the box.” Sorry, you’re what? If you’ve ever written a non-sensical sentence like this, the recruiter probably took you more for a dictionary than a person. Like we said in our previous blog post, the job offers sometimes push you into using the same buzzwords all over again because they were listed in requirements for the candidate. But you don’t really have to follow the standard resume patterns. Distinguish yourself from the others by not using these phrases. Using cliché words tells the recruiter nothing about you. Give your resume some meaning by describing the real you, not the cliché you. Don’t fill your resume with fluff and never write anything you can’t base with evidence. Keep this in mind and you’ll increase your chances to get an interview invitation. And next time you’ll be writing your resume, avoid using these 10 buzzwords: 1. Thinking outside the box Nine out of ten recruiting managers would toss your resume in the trash without second thoughts if they saw that you “think outside the box”. Okay, we made that up, but we simply think there’s no worse buzzword than this one. Whoever started this “outside the box” mania should have stayed inside the box. 2. Creative There are many forms of creativity and plenty of spheres where being creative is a great advantage. But it’s slowly becoming a vaguely used word. If you’re applying for any artistic kind of job, being creative somehow goes without saying. And for any other job “creative” is simply too general, be more specific how your creativity would be a benefit for the job. 3. Team player Being a team player doesn’t mean anything really unless you can be a good team player. What trait in particular makes you a great contribution to the team? Be more specific and point out in what way youd bring value to the team. On its own it is just another cliché buzzword. 4. Problem-solver This one’s very similar to the previous one. So, which problems did you solve? Stating that you are a problem solver tells the recruiter virtually nothing. Instead, say what trait in particular helped to solve these problems or give a  concrete example of how you solved a certain issue. 5. Dynamic So you’re dynamic? Good for you. Only we’re not sure how your ability to move helps you get an interview. You should rid your resume of words like this because they’re just too vague and not at all relevant. If you wish to express you are active and passionate, specifically mention your activities and passions. Give those words meanings. 6. Hard-working Without evidence, statements about how hard-working you are sound a bit hollow. Can you prove it? Maybe give an example of your volunteer work, mention some projects you worked hard on at university or express passion for learning new things and getting experience. 7. Can-do attitude It’s great to let the recruiter know you can do it. But on the other hand, who would ever confess on their resume they’re as lazy as a sloth? Let the recruiter know you don’t get easily scared of too much workload. Or you can hint at your time management skills or mention a situation where you proved most resourceful. 8. Proactive It’s incredible how many proactive people walk the surface of the Earth judging from how many resumes contain this information. Proactivity is a valuable personal trait that could make you a CEO one day. If you’re really able to deal with issues proactively, tell the recruiter a story of you being the hero to save the day and you’ll get the interview.   9. Self-motivated Rather than using this cliché buzzword, express your enthusiasm and interest for something. It doesn’t even have to be connected to the job, it could be a hobby or a cause that you eagerly cared about and turned it into something bigger. Think about a situation that proves you don’t give up easily. 10. Flexible What does that even mean, that you’re capable of standing palms to the floor? Unless flexibility is a requirement for the job, don’t bother with mentioning this buzzword on your resume. Instead, emphasize your different set of skills and versatility of your expertise. If you’ve had different kinds of jobs before, take the best skills you learned in each one and tailor it to the job offer you apply for now. Share Your Feedback or Ideas in the Comments!

Sunday, November 17, 2019

10 Best U.S. Industries for Employment

10 Best U.S. Industries for Employment 10 Best U.S. Industries for Employment Which are the best industries to work in? Where are the hottest opportunities if you’re looking to start a career or  considering a career change? Heres an overview of the top 10 U.S. industries with the most projected growth in employment opportunities through 2026,  including the types of jobs available, required education and training, and salary information. 01Healthcare and Social Assistance Hero Images / Getty Images The retail trade industry encompasses direct marketing of products to consumers through brick-and-mortar stores as well as online entities. Expansion of income will continue to fuel growth in the sector, primarily in the online component.Types of Jobs:  Common  jobs in the retail industry  include salespersons,  customer service representatives,  cashiers, buyers, pharmacy technicians, order fillers, shipping/trafficking clerks, department supervisors, store managers, and truck drivers.Education Requirements:  A high school degree is all that is required for sales, customer service, and clerical jobs.  Buyers  and store managers often have bachelors degrees.Salary Information:  Retail salespersons earn an average of $23,370, and buyers earn an average of $62,120. First-line supervisors earn  an average of $43,580. Sales managers earn an average of $89,380.Employment Opportunities and Growth:  The retail trade industry job pool will increase by about 412.3 jobs by 2026 or about 3%.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

How a Bad Job Can Make You Better at Your Work - The Muse

How a Bad Job Can Make You Better at Your Work - The Muse How a Bad Job Can Make You Better at Your Work I started taking pictures to capture quiet moments. Little details. Good light. Untold stories. I didn’t get into picture taking to make goofy faces (and bad jokes) to keep a hangry lil’ toddler smiling through an afternoon family session. But a girl’s gotta eat. And people love flattering photos of young love at golden hour. So, smile! When I first started taking on work that I didn’t love, I felt like a total sellout. I would call my mom and wail that I was “compromising my artistic integrity” and that my work would never be the same. Lots of question marks and existential questions about purpose and truth filled the pages of my mind (and my journal). But, after a few months of doing work I hated, I began to see growth in the work that I loved...and hated. Now, I’m not trying to encourage you to seek out work you dislike. If you can accept work that fits with your mission and vision 100% of the time, then by all means- be the exception to the rule. But, in the off chance that you might have to take on work you dislike (or even flat-out loathe)- here are three things to cling to when you think nothing good will come of it. 1. Doing Work You Hate Forces You to Stop Dreaming and Start Making In a perfect world, you would only write, design, and strategize for the projects of your dreams. All the beautiful ideas floating around your head would be shaped and formed in everything you got paid for- your dreams actualized in your portfolio and your bank account. What bliss! But, let’s be real. Creating the work of your dreams doesn’t come along every day, and if you wait to create when the light hits just right, then you probably won’t make anything. Author P.D. James says, “don’t just plan to write- write. It is only by writing, not dreaming about it, that we develop our own style.” So, when you get discouraged about doing work you hate, remember that actually making something is better than dreaming about it. 2. Doing Work You Hate Challenges You to Think Outside of What is Comfortable We create from what we know and what we love. And even the most innovative creators and makers get stuck in ruts and rhythms where they create the same work over and over. One of my junior high photography students, Nikita, loves surf photography. For the first five weeks of Photography 101 class, he would only take pictures of the water, waves, and surf. After five weeks of filtering through hundreds of images of the ocean and amateur surfers, I challenged him to do a portrait series of a family member. No water, no waves, no surfing. He hated it and took every opportunity throughout the week to remind me. Despite his reluctance, he came to class with the most beautiful photos of his sister, Tsungi. During class critique, one of his classmates said, “you should stop taking pictures of water, ’cause you’re way better at taking pictures of people.” Leave it to a 12-year-old to tell it like it is. So, who knows. Maybe the work you “hate” will actually force you to create something better than the work you’ve been hiding behind this entire time. I’ve even found that trying something new entirely (like learning how to code so I can update my website or taking a photography class) helps challenge what I know and grow what I don’t. 3. Doing Work You Hate Pushes You to Pursue the Work You Love The argument behind doing work you love is that if you love it- well, it isn’t work. But, when you spend multiple family sessions engaging moody teens to “look” like they love their parents, then you will crave one session of doing something you love. Doing work you hate pushes you to seek out the hours (and even minutes) in which you’re doing work that fills you up- and reminds you why you started making that thing in the first place. So, if doing work you have forces you to create, challenges you to be uncomfortable, and pushes you to seek out the work you love- keep your chin up! You’re on your way. Photo of broken pencil courtesy of Shutterstock.

Friday, November 15, 2019

5 Simple Ways to Get Motivated at Work

5 Simple Ways to Get Motivated at Work 5 Simple Ways to Get Motivated at Work Have you ever tried to “get motivated” at the office- but nothing works? You start to feel terrible, like you’re falling behind in your business or career. You’re bored, lethargic, and you don’t want to meet up with your friends because you don’t want to talk about what you’ve been doing. (Or, more accurately, what you haven’t been doing.)I’ve totally been there, too, and I’ve felt the frustration that comes from a lack of motivation at work.But I’ve also got some good news. There are some key things that contribute to your work being motivating (or not), and once you recognize them, you have the power to redesign your workday in a way that gets you moving.Here are five things you should make sure you’re getting out of your day-to-day tasks- and if you’re not, the changes you can make to jump start your motivation.1. Task IdentityWork is most motivating when it’s clear what, exactly, you’re accomplishing. Think about it: How great does it feel when you k now you’ve gotten a launch off the ground or made great progress on big project? On the other hand, nothing is worse than working all day and thinking “What did I even do today?!”If you’re feeling like you’ve been spinning your wheels, try this: At the end of each day or week, make a “Got Done” list (the opposite of to the to-do list!), where you outline all of the tasks you've completed. For extra motivation, keep it somewhere you can see.2. Task SignificanceAnother key to staying motivated is knowing that the work you’re doing makes a difference in some way- recognizing the impact you’re making on your clients, company, or the world.If you’re not totally seeing this connection, try to dig deep. You could map your weekly sales reports to the increase in your company’s bottom lines or sales unit, for example. Or, say a key metric your company tracks is customer acquisition cost. Make a list of the tasks you do that reduce this cost for your company, and find wa ys to focus on those aspects of your job more often.3. Skill VarietyFeel like you’re doing the same old repetitive work, day after day? It’s not so stimulating, to say the least. But when you’re engaging lots of different skill sets- that’s fantastic for your motivation.Try to structure your days so that you’re working on different tasks (and thus, making use of different skills) throughout the day. For example, instead of writing all day on Monday and then building your client presentations on Tuesday, try to do both in smaller three-hour chunks each day. When you stimulate different parts of the brain, your motivation will be recharged.4. FeedbackOne of the most motivating factors you can have is getting feedback on your work. Not only for the ego boost you get when you’ve done a good job, but because the right feedback can help you hone your skills even further. It can also help you see the difference that your work is making. On the contrary, if you don’t know how you’re performing, it’s easy to lose steam.If find that you’re in a black hole of feedback, ask your manager, or even a colleague, for standing check-in meetings every one or two weeks. Let her know that you’d like to use the time to check in on your projects, and that you’d love honest feedback on where you could improve.5. AutonomyFinally, this is a big one: having autonomy in your job. Now, this doesn’t mean that you always get to do what you want- it just means you get a domain of choice about how you’re doing things.For example, say you need to secure three more clients for the month. It’s much more motivating to be able to determine how to do that on your own- perhaps you want to build your online presence, or perhaps you enjoy building relationships offline. Sure, in the corporate world, there are plenty of things that have to be done a certain way- but there are also plenty of places where you can ask your boss for more autonomy.And that brings me to my final point: Unless you work for yourself, you probably don’t have the power to totally rewrite your job description. But what you can do is communicate with your manager. You can identify the skills you want to develop, ask for feedback more often, probe for clarification when tasks are not clearly identified or seem insignificant, or ask to take on different tasks or have more autonomy on a project.More than likely, you’ll be able to change something about your workload. And not only will you be more motivated- your boss will be impressed you’ve taken the initiative.So what’s getting in the way of you being motivated at work? Find out, and then find a solution.Photo of woman working courtesy of Shutterstock.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Do You Know Where Your Applicants Are Coming From

Do You Know Where Your Applicants Are Coming From Do You Know Where Your Applicants Are Coming From When you’re recruiting for top-notch talent, data about your potential applicants is mission critical to finding the right person to fill the role.  Savvy hiring managers realize that lightning is bound to strike once, but replicable results are critical to improving the efficiency of the hiring process.   In that spirit, collecting as much information about your potential candidates is important to avoiding reinventing the wheel for each and every job search.  Education, background, work experience and geographic data can all be useful. Perhaps the most critical piece of data, however, is the route each applicant took to find your job listing.  Having this information can help track cost per application and is valuable in helping you understand how best to put your recruitment dollars to work when seeking out candidates. Sold on the need for knowing from where your applicants originate?  Here we break down just how you can ensure you know just where your applicants are coming from for any giving open listing. Live Tracking Questionnaires We’ve all rolled our eyes from time to time when asked to fill out questionnaires.  Whether a quick survey on your way out of the store or a few questions as a follow up to a purchase, companies big and small use live polling to gather pertinent data about their physical and digital visitors.  While you may dread and avoid these like the plague in an optional setting, job applicants are more than usually motivated to provide this type of information. Take advantage of would be job-seeker’s willingness to provide feedback by asking candidates to fill out feedback forms at the end of their first interview or as part of an initial screening form.  Not only can you ask the all-important “how did you hear about us” question, you can also craft a few key feedback queries into process and ease of application to help improve your routines going forward. Advanced Tracking Tech While old school forms are certainly an easy and accessible option, modern times call for better innovations in hiring.  Major job boards, such as, give employers the option to insert a discreet and useful tracking pixel directly into their “thank you” pages of their resume process.  When a candidate clicks through Simply Hired’s job listing to the employer application, upon completion of the resume submission the “counter” will tally that the recruit originated through the specific platform.  The Simply Hired tracking pixel is unique to each individual employer and a surefire way to gather much needed origination data from prospective applicants.   Setting up the tracking pixel is easy and a vital first step to upping your hiring practices game.  Contact your Simply Hired account manager today and in minutes you’ll be ready to break down essential details to help make your recruitment process more efficient and effective at finding the best quality talent available.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Air Force Jobs in 4A0X1 - Health Services Management

Air Force Jobs in 4A0X1 - Health Services Management Air Force Jobs in 4A0X1 - Health Services Management Manages health services activities. Plans, develops, manages, and performs health services activities. Related DoD Occupational Subgroup: 340. Duties and Responsibilities Performs and directs patient management functions. Interprets communications, directives, and publications. Coordinates release of information functions. Prepares health record copies and abstracts. Coordinates release of information functions. Prepares, files, safeguards, transfers, and retires health records. Maintains patient locator and suspense files. Prepares, codes, and transmits clinical record cover sheets. Transcribes daily information onto charts. Transcribes physicians orders, and prepares requests for diagnostic tests, consultations, and referrals. Performs functions to admit, discharge, and transfer patients. Compiles information and prepares reports, graphs, and charts on bed occupancy, staffing, dental health, medical care from civilian sources, and professional activities. Prepares patient-related correspondence and special orders for patient assignment, reassignment, and aeromedical evacuation. Coordinates and prepares forms. Identifies and processes Line of Duty (LOD) determinations. Monitors dependents education (overseas clearance) program. Identifies, coordinates, and processes medical conditions requiring Medical Evaluation Board (MEB) proceedings. Verifies patient eligibility. Performs procedures for network referrals. Provides claims assistance and counseling to beneficiaries. Performs and manages resource management functions. Prepares financial statements and subsistence stock records. Compiles information, subsistence accounting, and prepares statistical reports. Performs market analysis and business case analysis. Coordinates third party collection (TPC) activities and prepares necessary reports. Assists in manpower surveys and developing manpower standards. Identifies manpower standard exceptions and deviations. Screens medical records to gather data for medical audits. Analyzes workload and cost data to validate manpower requirements, and develops adjustments and projections to support clinical or mission changes. Monitors the Unit Manpower Document (UMD) to ensure requirements and funding are accurately reflected. Monitors the Unit Personnel Management Roster (UMPR) to ensure correct assignment of personnel resources. Identifies personnel staffing shortages and coordinates permanent or temporary assignment actions. Collects, maintains, prepares and analyzes Medical Expense and Performance Reporting Systems (MEPRS) data or comparable workload accounting system. Prepares budget estimates and financial plans. Monitors expenditures and obligations; analyzes financial reports and accounting and workload reporting procedures; conducts studies and internal audits. Performs and manages medical information technology functions and activities. Requests and documents technical assistance. Manages hardware and software activities. Monitors information technology security programs. Performs customer support activities. Manages user-training programs. Specialty Qualifications Knowledge. Knowledge is mandatory of  general clerical procedures; medical terminology, regulations, and directives; medical ethics; health records administration; principles of coding; and anatomy and physiology. Education. For entry into this specialty, completion of high school or General Education Development equivalency computers is desirable. Training. For  award  of AFSC 4A031, completion of a basic health services management course is mandatory. Experience. The following experience is mandatory for award of the AFSC indicated: (Note: See  Explanation of Air Force Specialty Codes). 4A051. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 4A031. Also, experience in one or more of the following functions: records management,  admissions,  and dispositions, or patient movement 4A071. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 4A051. Also, experience supervising a health services management function. 4A091. Qualification in and possession of AFSC 4A071. Also, experience managing a health services management function and personnel.Other. For award of AFSC 4A031, ability to keystroke at a minimum speed of 20 words per minute is mandatory. Strength Req: G Physical Profile: 333233 Citizenship  No Required Appitude Score  : G-43 (Changed to G-44, effective 1 Jul 04). Technical Training: Course #: J3ABR4A031 000 Length (Days): 29 Location: S

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

How Your Attitude Will Help You to Land a Job

How Your Attitude Will Help You to Land a Job How Your Attitude Will Help You to Land a Job Take care of yourself inside out: As Fernando Llamas and Billy Crystal used to say “it’s better to look good than to feel good” … so aim for both because not looking your best will affect your attitude! Even if it’s just a 30 minute walk every day, those endorphins will kick in and you will feel better. If you are cost conscious want to skip hair cuts or getting rid of some premature grey hair, there are low cost alternatives. Positive in, positive out: You should read the paper to keep up on what is going on, but stay away from the crime stats, bankruptcy filings, and the like. Watch movies that are uplifting. Read books that are positive and encouraging. Do not spend time with negative people as they are like crabs in a bucket. As Al Pacino said in Godfather III: “every time I try to get out they pull you back!”Network: Networking is about developing a long term, mutually beneficial relationship of give take, with the emphasis on the “give”. Try these open ende d questions and you’ll start to meet a lot of people who will think very positively about you keep you in mind should they hear about any openings: a) how did you get in the X business?, b) what do you enjoy doing most about what you do?, c) what separates your company from the competition, d) what significant changes have taken place in your profession through the years?, e) what do you see as the trends in your business? Ask them and see what type of response you get. I’ll guarantee you, use any 2 of these questions, and you’ll not even to a third. They are that powerful. And remember the follow up to these questions: LISTEN! Good listeners are few and far between and they will be remembered. Join a job search support group or power group. Find other people that are in the same situation you are in, and meet once a week to support one another and trade leads and tips, and help to troubleshoot what may not be going well. But make sure it’s a positive group. I’ve seen an emergence of these groups lately … so check your local paper. In my neighborhood in Staten Island, New York, St. Clare’s Church has an Employment Group that meets every Tuesday from 7 â€" 9 pm. If you can’t find a local group, think of creating one yourself, or join a virtual group on There are at least two dozen groups that share info virtually.Attitude is everything! If it’s not right, you cannot possibly conduct a proactive and effective job search. Do what you need to do to get it right. Sometimes, people need to get the negative thoughts out … speak them to a good friend, write them down on a piece of paper, and be done with it. Life is short! Get your attitude right and get that job!!Connie Thanasoulis-Cerrachio is a career coach and co-founder of SixFigureStart and has worked for the bluest of blue chips for the past 25 years.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Medical Billing and Coding Resume Reviews & Tips

Medical Billing and Coding Resume Reviews & Tips Life, Death and Medical Billing and Coding Resume Resume for profession is imperative to your attention. Conclusion To increase your probability of being hired for the use of a health billing professional which you are seeking, you have to present a compelling resume or CV that convinces employers that you've got the necessary qualities, qualifications, experience, etc. for the job. A health biller is the individual who helps ensure the health care facility becomes reimbursed for the majority of services rendered. Note, however, that in the absence of health coders and billers in hospitals, billing is carried out by medical assistants. Review our healthcare billing resumes to determine about our background and experience. Medical and hospitality business is just one of the most devotional and responsible industries in the whole world. Medical Billing and Coding Resume for Dummies Above is only a brief collection of known businesses that hire remote medical coders. Resumes are very foreseeable in features and data, however, lots of choices must be made. Next ensure use of good resume keywords. The One Thing to Do for Medical Billing and Coding Resume Read on to discover if you would be a fit. After being satisfied that you satisfy the requirements and expectations of the job, after that you can apply them in crafting a really good objective statement. Excellent team player and fast decision maker with a profound ability to address difficulties with minimum escalations. Assessing your decisions can save yourself a good deal of hassle and time after making a bigger caliber resume. If you're a fresher and occur to be trying to discover an entry-level work in a reliable organisation after that you should choose skills related job application tag lines. How can you compose a health billing and coding resume, if you're searching for your very first job. When you're looking for work in the medical billing business, attention to detail is a huge portion of showing your employer that you are going to be a very good fit. While there might not truly be considered a task shared, it really is a huge recon opportunity and establishes a connection which might be leveraged later on. If you are searching for work, a well-written resume is important. When you'd like to terrain that ideal job then you should have a stellar resume. Instead, you must tailor your resume for each and every job which you apply for. You have to begin from current job to your principal job. The Honest to Goodness Truth on Medical Billing and Coding Resume Several the templates are going to be in PDF format and a variety of them are in Word format. You can survey each template to procure a concept of how your final cv will likely look. At this point you have the plan template, you might use it over and over. Our 20 design templates offer you examples for some cases you might face. In some settings, a medical biller also acts as a medical coder and, in actuality, medical billers are acquainted with the basic. The coding will give you with a should to watch out as a consequence of it should give a threat as soon as you find yourself flawed in writing code. Though there are a lot of specialities to pick from, nearly all of their openings involve hospital-based and physician-based coding. There are hundreds to pick. Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. The very first step is to make an impressive medical resume. The most critical part of your program will be your statement that's personal. You may discover tons of wonderful resume templates, but you are going to include to choose if they're more inclined to help or hurt your chances of landing an interview. Next up is Joe, that has been a medical billing professional for approximately 10 decades. There are various varieties of healthcare assistants. Meanw hile, medical billing will probably be a pursuit for the recipe. Becoming a health billing and coding specialist is a great career option for everybody who's able work. Along with deciding from a diploma and a level, you may also pick from campus-based courses or internet learning. You should have billing experience in a number of disciplines. As you don't require a level, you're going to need post-secondary training. You can finish your degree in as few as 16 months. What makes a decent medical biller. Soon, you may have an all-star resume that attracts a potential employer! Soon, you might have an all-star resume that attracts a possible employer! You must also be in a position to match yourself to your prospective employer's needs, and that's why it's important to use keywords to prove that you're able to deliver precisely what they want, exactly when they want it.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on and How to Avoid It

A Deadly Mistake Uncovered on and How to Avoid It No Longer a Mystery Your professional resume needs to be far more than a list of achievements in order to genuinely stick out from the crowd. Peculiarly, it's the hardest part, since most individuals are utilized to see only bad things in their past. You don't need a great deal of space on a single side of the resume, with all the info packed on the opposite side. Our crew of professional resume writers will supply you with a sparkling resume reminding no others. The Secret to Choosing which to use depends upon the kind of job that you are applying for and your degree of experience. There are lots of basic forms of resumes used to make an application for job openings. Frequent issues such as grammar and spelling mistakes will permit you to appear stupid. It's possible for you to discover careers based on your interests or what type of education is necessary for a career of your pick. It's still true that you must learn how to compose a prosperous medical career resume and the best method to acquire your very first job after you complete college. For example, you may have done a class by means of your college degree. The neighborhood college is an excellent place to start. In many instances, your resume is the very first document a hiring manager will take a look at when reviewing your program, and therefore is an actual first impression. The arrangement has to be followed closely while writing an official letter. Ideally, you are going to be able to handle your cover letter to a particular individual. The cover letter is among the few documents that nearly everyone should compose earlier or later in the course of their life. Your cover letter 2018 is one of the most essential components of your program as a result of simple fact that numerous applicants do not utilize it to its fullest. If you would like a heading for your professional summary, use your preferred job title (including Magazine Editor). While Pages includes an enormous variety of fonts, you can add fonts downloaded from the web. The Game As you're doing the majority of the job yourself here, the quality actually depends upon how well can you write. In the end, you wish to attempt to strike a balance between including experience that's both timely and relevant. Our commitment is in the fact that we're here in order to help you accomplish your objectives. Even when you have several years of experience. The Upside to A simple resume template is going to be your very best bet. The practice of producing your resume is fairly straightforward. The template is far better generate an attractive promotional flyer as it has quite modern and jazzy look. A great event flyer template functions the objective of presenting all the info in a well-organized and appealing way. That hiring manager ought to be fired. In the present competitive job marketplace you want to be viewed. A great resume must start with an intriguing introduction as it's the very first thing hiring managers see. You always need to tailor your resume to the job which you're searching for. No matter your approach, your target is going to be to create a chronological collection of experience that's pertinent to the jobs you're applying to. Be bright and make the most of any help you can. If you're looking for work and you have what it requires but don't really know how to sell it out then everything you'll need is a great restart. It's also versatile because it can be employed by men and women seeking work in the identical industry and those attempting to enter a different one. What Is So Fascinating About Keywords are only one part of customizing your resume to a certain job. A PDF document is a significant bit better as it's a lot more professional. for Dummies Naturally, the more personal info and information regarding the employer you provide, the better. Try to remember the idea of Less Is More and filter the information that you put in your job program, only including the relevant specifics. When you have written and organ ized your information according to the sort of resume you've chosen, make sure to format it according to typical professional standards. There'll be some overlap between them both, but you can remove extra information from every version and keep only the details pertinent to a specific job search. You may also follow the URL to a writing guide for each in the event that you're searching for more info on how to begin a resume yourself. Contact information needs to be clear and precise. The site is straightforward, but that's a fantastic thing when dealing with writing services. It's fully editable that can be utilized to feed in various info.

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Mystery of Career Objective for Resume That Nobody Is Talking About

The Mystery of Career Objective for Resume That Nobody Is Talking About Whatever They Told You About Career Objective for Resume Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why Also, you'll need to get some resume objective samples at your disposal to have a look at them before actually writing your very own objective statement. At any time you have made a statement then all you've got to do is store it into a location on your computer. You don't need to change too much concerning the statement. You must have five objective statements. Thus, you will know all that is necessary. Sample resume objectives should be utilised as references, dependent on which you can make your own resumes. Career Objective for Resume Fundamentals Explained When there's something which you think is important for a prospective employer to understand, save that explanation for your cover letter! Apparently, somebody with no former experience, or searching for a work switch, needs to rely on general traits and goals than any past experience. As a very good guideline, should you need to submit a resume to receive your next job, you aren't visionary. If you consider it, the one most important thing your resume should convey is that YOU are great for the job available. Conclusion If you're a high school student seeking to land a part-time job which brings you extra income and aids you build some skills that might become important to your career in future, you must present a compelling resume to prospective employers to enhance your probability of being picked for the job. If you're looking for a career in management, you almost certainly have years of expert experience under your belt. You are earning a career change. To begin with, consider the work description to see whether it indicates the kind of skills the provider is seeking. Stick with your abilities and how your master's degree will assist you as an editor. Let's punish those who include Objectives. Your own agenda, however noble it might be, ought to be de-emphasized in the application approach. A career objective for resume introductions are sometimes a huge timesaver to a recruiter, but nevertheless, it may not help you whatsoever. Writing a winning college student career obje ctive is a rather effortless means to bolster your application for this internship or job you've got in sight. Whenever you would like to emphasize that you're ambitious, that you understand what you want in a career, or you have the skills for the particular job, you could benefit from a resume objective. Take time to take into account your career objectives, i.e. what do you would like to do with your career. In the majority of instances, a resume objective is simply a couple of sentences long. It's mandatory to check whether the content of your resume supports the objective you've mentioned. As a result, while your resume objective should incorporate information on the career that you would like, you also wish to spell out why you are the perfect candidate for the job. At times, an objective on resume can decrease the odds of succeeding. For instance, it might state some of your previous accomplishments, and after that move on to the sorts of accomplishments you want to achieve in the future (ideally, accomplishments you need to achieve for the organization you're applying to work for). The direction you write your career objectives is vital and ought to be given proper consideration. Entry-level objectives can be particularly hard to write since you likely don't have loads of work experience, but you do want to solidify that you know the sort of career you're searching for. A best career objective isn't just about what you want to accomplish. Job seekers starting to compose their resumes should always take a look at the comprehensive resume objective example documents to realize how they ought to write relevant objectives according to their qualifications. That means you should define a new objective for each work application. When you understand what you have to give and the sort of jobs you're interested in, you will have the ability to compose your very best career objective. As stated previously will have to choose skills that have some relevance to the job that you're applying for.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Up in Arms About Pipefitter Resume?

Up in Arms About Pipefitter Resume? With lots of students and professionals on the internet you can receive a very good sample by asking in any forum. The requirements range by each state. In a few countries, it's compulsory to have an entire certification. Writing the education and extra skills section is precisely the same process for other reverse chronological resumes. Adding action verbs to your resume is an excellent way to strengthen it and help it become more targeted to the position you're applying to. As a consequence, it's important to talk about the job related abilities at length. Instead, take a while to grow your self in the finest possible attainable applicant, and after that put money into the capability to make sure your resume is doing the very best possible job representing you and your abilities. Your problem solving abilities and official certification are two things that each hiring manager is likely to want to understand about. To start with, the letter format needs to be appropriate. Hence a letter is fundamentally a considerable tool of communication, and you might use it effectively if you know the way that it's composed. It must consist of what in detail, in order to avoid ambiguity, in the event of a dispute. Sometimes, the expression consent letter may also be utilized to symbolize a letter which is being composed to permit an individual permission to do a particular job, for example, selecting a field trip. You may also use our resume builder if you require additional assistance. Applicants who have related training or employment experience may qualify for credit or certification. Don't neglect to incorporate any certifications you hold or training you've received in the welding market. Moreover, you will see some test resumes and suggestions to create an ideal Job application. You should revamp your resume while needed if you decide to receive the shape of job that you desire. The work description is anothe r excellent region to use whenever making your resume. If it is not pertinent to the job which you would like to learn more about, skip it. While the job is more not dangerous, it truly is worthwhile in the exact same moment. You're requesting a specific job. If you want to discover more about writing resumes that get interviews, visit a site such as Top Career Resumes where you are going to find a number of articles and suggestions. For example, it would include your private information like name, contact information, address and so forth. For instance, it would include your very own personal information like name, contact info, address and so on. A Startling Fact about Pipefitter Resume Uncovered Our resume builder makes it simple to create a well-written resume in a few minutes. After you have your resume sample in place, after that you are able to make modifications in the type of deletions or additions as per any particular requirement. To be able to prepare adequate ly, these advice will be convenient. The business email format should be easy with left margin. Sure, there's a remarkable deal of fascinating work happening. Particularly for new expats that are looking for work abroad in the Gulf Region. Don't neglect to include things like a career objective simply because you lack experience. Don't discredit your preceding experience simply because it was not full-time. Do a well keyword based search by means of your topic and level, and you may get a great deal of results in seconds. If you've had experience in the area, you're anticipated to mention that as well. An extra skills section may also be added to the conclusion of your resume. For warehousing, it is usually more important than the education section. Finding the almost all of templates and generating a CV by using a continue building service will certainly make things a great deal simpler. The internet site gives some helpful prewritten important phrases you will be in a position to use if you are feeling stumped wanting to create the own. The service offers various tips, job application templates with mostly typical designs together with the decision to speak about it on an online site or maybe societal media. A best selection for candidates with a fantastic deal of experience who wish to have an excellent one-page application template. How to Get Started with Pipefitter Resume? Take a look at our samples to get a better idea about what makes a good customer service resume and discover out what it requires to land your dream job. There are a lot of firms that are prevailing over the internet with the intention of providing writing services. Don't be scared to look for Resume Help on the internet, there are a number of Free Sources and Resume Samples to select from. You can also execute an online job search or make a price of living evaluation through it's online offerings.

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

Whatever They Told You About Genie Customer Service Is Dead Wrong...And Heres Why

Whatever They Told You About Genie Customer Service Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why The Foolproof Genie Customer Service Strategy Possessing a single pane for many of the data that I have to see is extremely valuable. It's true, you can log into the app working with exactly the same login details on more than 1 device. As normal all TVs on the exact box would be tuned into exactly the same channel. Even supposing it isn't and the black box is situated behind the dashboard, there may nonetheless be potential conflicts. How to Choose Genie Customer Service Refunds can only be gotten during the initial 14 days of purchasing the gadget. If you do so, it is going to request your zip code. Order cancellation requests can't be accepted via email. However, it's not clear if all products have free delivery or simply the timeless Genie Bra colors. That product altered the online equation for Genie. No, it's possible to only utilize Car Genie in 1 vehicle. Online and pick locati ons only. Genie is really the most versatile service provided by DIRECTV in it can record as many as five shows at once and store more programming than options offered by cable businesses. It is possible to also visit DIRECTV's website to choose the TV package you desire. Vital Pieces of Genie Customer Service Orders are shipped dependent on just what the customer chooses. Get in touch with us on 0800 316 4691 so we can allow you to know what things to do next. I was ready to try it if it was not too pricey. Our rates are extremely competitive and when compared with different companies fees, you will observe that ours are the best prices. The grade of the item is also top notch. No, it only reads information from your vehicle, so does not have any effect on performance. You're driven to give the maximum level of customer service and satisfaction and ready to effectively manage an assortment of situations on an everyday basis. Maintaining equipment to make the most of uptime is vital for our rental clients. It's possible to visit the eco score section of the app to acquire more advice on ways to enhance your efficiency in every area and hopefully spend less on maintenance and fuel. Furthermore, they are perfect for low clearance areas, and they can be readily installed against a ceiling. If you're on the lookout for your next huge opportunity to win, look no more! What a good experience from start to complete. Joe and his team are extremely professional and quick! In project management, you have to be in a position to clearly communicate with your team together with superiors and clients to make sure that everyone has the information that they will need to keep a certain degree of progress. You're able to check whether the gadget can be use d with your car prior to buying. It's simple to install and should you are in possession of a superior WiFi signal in your garage, is going to be a handy item. Especially since you're already utilizing an external HDD on the HR24-500 which you would be keeping. As part of the activation process you are going to get a guide which lets you know where to locate your car's OBDII port. The Dirty Truth About Genie Customer Service For the very first time EVER I didn't need to clean up after the window cleaners! A standard myth about our Mattress Genie is that you want a head board and footboard, which isn't accurate. Our technician will perform a thorough evaluation of your garage door in order to ascertain what the problem appears to be. Barbara spent a whole afternoon working me to comprehend how I use my kitchen, then made a plan which would be the most appropriate for me.